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Five places to use wool throws in your home

Wool throws are a timeless and versatile home accessory that can change the look of any space while adding warmth, comfort, and texture. This cozy winter staple can brighten up your interiors, add pops of colour, and create a luxurious feel. There are countless ways to style wool throws in your home, depending on your decor preferences and personal style.

Living Room: The living room is the perfect place to use wool throws. Not only do they make a statement when draped over the arm of a couch or chair, but they also provide comfort and warmth during the colder months. Wool throws work well as an additional layer on top of a living room couch, adding texture and colour to the space. They also work well as a decorative addition to a living room armchair or ottoman.

Bedroom: The bedroom is another ideal place to use wool throws. A wool throw at the end of your bed can add an accent colour that sets the tone for the entire room. You can create a cohesive look by matching the colour of the throw to the bedding or using it as a focal point in an otherwise neutral-toned bedspread. Wool throws are a great option for adding texture to a bed, especially when using soft and comfortable fibers in coordinating patterns.

Dining Room: The dining room is a less common space but can still look great when styled with wool throws. One way to use them in this space is by adding them to the back of dining chairs or even encasing them in chair cushions. This will make the chairs more comfortable while also creating a cohesive and coordinated look. Wool throws can also be used on a tabletop or runner to add depth to the table setting.

Nursery: Wool throws are perfect for creating a comfortable, cozy, and warm space in a nursery. They can be draped over a glider or other seating to provide a comfortable place to relax and bond with your baby. As with any accessory in a nursery, you’ll want to make sure that the wool throw is washable for easy cleaning.

Outdoor: Wool throws aren’t just limited to indoor use, they also work well in outdoor spaces. An outdoor wool throw can provide warmth around a fire pit, add style and comfort to outdoor seating, or act as a cozy blanket for stargazing.

Overall, wool throws can be a great addition to any home, and there are countless ways to style them to enhance different spaces. Whether used for warmth, decoration, or both, wool throws are versatile and timeless accessories that offer both style and function. When shopping for wool throws, consider the style, texture, and colour that best reflects your personal design preferences and the function it will serve within a specific space.