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How to fix a hole or tear in a wool blanket?

Wool blankets are often cherished possessions that provide warmth and comfort on cold winter nights. However, over time, they can develop tears and holes that compromise their functionality and appearance. If you have a wool blanket that has suffered damage, you may be wondering how to fix it. In this blog, we'll explain everything you need to know about repairing a hole or tear in a wool blanket.

Assess the damage

The first step in repairing a wool blanket is to assess the damage. How big is the hole or tear? Is it a clean cut or a jagged rip? If the damage is significant, you may need to take the blanket to a professional for repairs. However, if the hole or tear is small, you may be able to fix it yourself.

Gather the necessary tools

To repair a wool blanket, you'll need a few basic tools. These include:

  • A pair of scissors
  • A needle
  • Thread in a matching color
  • A patch of wool fabric that matches the color and texture of the blanket

Choose the right thread and patch

When choosing thread and fabric for your repair, it's important to select materials that match the color and texture of your blanket. Otherwise, your repair will be noticeable and may even detract from the blanket's appearance. If you're not sure what kind of thread or fabric to use, take a small swatch of your blanket to a fabric store to compare colors and textures.

Cut the patch to size

Before you begin sewing, cut the patch to the correct size. The patch should be slightly larger than the hole or tear, so it can be stitched securely into place. Use scissors to trim any loose threads or fibers around the edges of the hole or tear to create a clean edge for the patch to attach to.

Secure the patch in place

Once you have your patch ready, place it over the hole or tear and secure it in place with pins. Check that the patch is centered and covering the damaged area evenly. Make sure the patch's direction of the fabric pile matches that of the original blanket direction.

Sew the patch onto the blanket

Using a needle and thread, sew the patch onto the blanket. It's important to use a similar stitch pattern to the original one to make your repair as seamless as possible. To do this, simply sew along the edge of the patch, pulling the thread tightly enough that the edges of the hole or tear contact with the wool, enough to close the gap between the wool fibers.

Ensure that the repair is tight enough so that the fabric patch does not sag, creating pucker in the blanket. Use the correct tension, and taking the size and type of wool material into account, doing a test on a small area to ensure that the thread tension is correct.

Double-check your work

Once you've finished sewing the patch onto the blanket, double-check your work. Look for any loose threads or stitches that may need to be tightened. Make any needed repairs before finishing.

This method is a great way to repair small holes and tears in wool blankets, but it may not work for larger or more significant damage. For those instances, it's best to take the blanket to a professional for repairs. The same principle applies in case the wool fibers themselves are broken or the hole is too wide to be sewn.


A hole or tear in a wool blanket can be an unsightly and annoying problem, but it's also a relatively easy one to fix. With a few basic tools, some matching thread and fabric, and a little bit of patience, you can repair a damaged wool blanket yourself. Remember always to take great care when patching wool garments, as this delicate material deserves the best possible handling. By following these steps, you'll be able to extend the life of your favourite wool blanket for years to come.